Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Been A Few Weeks

Haven't posted in a few weeks. Since my last post. I have been sick with a cold and the flu and so have all the kids. Been trying to relax and get over this sickness. Still having problems with my breathing and chest pains and just at the point where its too much. I am not sure how much I can take, but the Lord knows and I am trying to remember that He is in control. and will not give me more than I can handle.

We bought I wii fit in hopes of getting in shape to see if that will help with this problem I am having. Kyla loves it too. She loves to do running and the aerobics which she calls fancy dance lol. I am trying to keep moving and do my everyday routines and not let my health interfere with my life but its hard sometimes and takes a lot out of me. I just pray that the Lord takes this problem from me and I can go back to being healthy again. I know it will happen in His time but waiting is not my strong suit.

The kids are doing wonderful. Growing so much as always. Kyla will be four years old in a little over a month. Time has gone by so fast. I can not believe my baby will be four years old, next time I blink she will be all grown up with kids of her own. It just makes you realize to cherish every single moment you have with your kids and family because it goes by so fast.

I thank the Lord for my babies.